Welcome to my homepage.
I publish some tips obtained by my studies and hobbies, here.
Please note that the contents on this website are just personal things except pages with notations and not official information or publication of the institute or group which I belong to. Also, I do not take any responsibility or liability for your use of this website and its contents.
On each page of this site, I connected corresponding keywords and categorized them into categories shown in the top menu bar. I hope this helps your browsing. Instead of this, I haven’t made a site tree.
Although most of the pages are in Japanese, I would like to make the English versions if I got requests. In addition, some pages are locked with a password due to confidentiality and rights issues. If you would like to get permission, send me a request. After you could get agreements from all rights holders, I make an account.
I wish you find some fruitful things.